Couldn't agree more, but the school is not very up on technology yet.
We are actually a club of parents that support various school activities, like their music program. We run trips and things to raise money, so we are not "officially" part of the school system.
The school has a basic site, but they don't do much with it.

We wrote an application to help us coordinate everything, and facilitate signups, $ tracking, etc. We need the student IDs, names, grades, contact info, etc to make it all work. Technically, the school's only involvement is to sanction it, share the student info, and give us a link from their edline account.

It would be different if the school initiated the project, but they didn't. So, our task is to make it as secure as possible in order to sell it to all the other parents. If they can "google" it and find it, they might not use it.

We have a secure login and a certificate on the site, so any sensitive info will be difficult to see. However, but we were hoping to make it difficult to even hit so parents would feel more comfortable. I know that we will never hide it completely, we just want to do the best we can.


On Oct 20, 2008, at 5:26 AM, Ross Clutterbuck wrote:

Sounds to me that you'll have much better luck approaching this in a
much more secure way instead of trying to fudge through limited tools
available to you.

If this school is even partially serious about protecting its pupils
then they should be open to discussion and you can illustrate these
difficulties you're having and the best way to achieve this goal.

To be honest though if this sensitive information is run from the
school's intranet then either they need to set up a secure VPN so you
can dial-in directly to the intranet or you simply don't provide
external access - if the school wants this information accessible then
they should really give the pupils provision to access it within
school hours.

Just my opinion!


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