On 01/08/2009 12:27 PM, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please can anyone that's got a few minutes cast their eye over  
> http://www.greenandsecure.co.uk/ and tell me what I've missed? :oP
> I'm planning on launching this site in the next 14 days, so all  
> feedback/advice is gratefully received.

Looks good to me.

My feedback:

- the font suddenly changes (from the "Green & Secure can monitor..."
paragraph onwards)

- the registered company address given differs from the address in the
site footer - this is quite probably correct, but just checking.  (If it
is supposed to be different, I wonder if it's acceptable for the footer
to not show the company's registered address?  I can't remember the
rules set down by Companies House.)

Other than that, all seems good!

I checked in FF3 on Linux:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120121


Dave P

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