Quoting Peter MacGregor <ranwo...@ranworth.co.uk>:

> Matt - typos and grammatical errors I've spotted.
> I am personally always very suspicious of any
> company large or small that can't write accurate
> English - especially in the UK! There's some
> excuse for Johnny Foreigner as he hasn't had the
> benefit of a proper education in the language -
> though sadly that is becoming rarer in this
> country now,  thanks to the long-haired, scruffy
> weirdos that pass for teachers in many schools.

<snip type="huge" />

And that's exactly why I thought I'd ask this list first - I'm now too  
close to it to spot any mistakes - thanks Peter.

> As a matter of interest - where is the telephone
> number located that is given? It isn't listed in
> the BT "Code decoder" and I don't recognise the format of it.

It's the new dialing code for VOIP (Voice Over IP) telephone numbers.   
I plan to put an "03" number in place.  The following is from  
https://www.voipfone.co.uk/EP_UK_Telephone_Numbers.php :

"This is a new number range specifically for Internet Telephone  
companies. Like the Voipfone numbers, calls between 056 numbers are  
free but unlike them, they can be dialled from any telephone anywhere.  
When someone calls a 056 number from the When someone calls a 056  
number from the UK using an ordinary telephone, the caller will be  
charged at the NVS call rate which is the same as calling an ordinary  
geographical, national number.
When they are called from outside the UK they are charged standard  
international rates.

These numbers are very new and you may occasionally find that calls  
from some mobile telephone operators in the UK or abroad may not  
connect. "

> Sorry to be so pedantic, but I did run a software
> company for five years that was awarded prizes
> three years running for the quality of the
> manuals and sales documentation we produced in
> terms of clarity, accuracy and ease of use. Ok -
> it was BI (Before Internet) but the rules haven't changed that much!

Pedantry is a blessing in many places, copy for websites is certainly  
one of them!

Many thanks,

Matt (worried about how many mistakes will be picked up in this email... :oP )
Matthew Macdonald-Wallace

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