If you use the Paste HTTP server and Python 2.5 with ctypes installed, you
can install the watchthreads app:

that will let you see the hung threads, and get a traceback of their current

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 1:52 PM, William Dode <w...@flibuste.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've a problem with a web app wich freeze periodicaly. I monitored my
> app and the hang doesn't seem to occur in it. So i think the problem is
> before, or after, a problem of socket i imagine... It append with
> wsgiref.simple_server and mod_wsgi. My app is not totaly thread safe so
> i didn't try a lot of servers...
> When it freeze, i have to restart the app manualy. With mod_wsgi it
> freeze the whole server. It doesn't append very often so it's difficult
> for me to reproduce the problem.
> So my question is, how can i simulate hunging socket ? or how can i see
> where the app freeze exactly ?
> In python-paste server i read the ian tried to handle some case of
> hunging socket...
> thx, and sorry for my english...
> --
> William Dodé - http://flibuste.net
> Informaticien Indépendant
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