2009/4/2 Robert Brewer <fuman...@aminus.org>:
> Alan Kennedy wrote:
>> Hi Graham,
>> I think yours is a good solution to the problem.
>> [Graham]
>> > In other words, leave all the existing CGI variables to come through
>> > as latin-1 decode
>> As latin-1 or rfc-2047 decoded, to unicode.
>> > and do anything new in 'wsgi' variable namespace,
>> So the server provides
>> "wsgi.server_decoded_SCRIPT_NAME" == u"whatever"
>> "wsgi.server_decoded_PATH_INFO" == u"whatever"
>> "wsgi.server_decode_charset" == u"utf-8"
> I think everyone at the sprint today acquiesced to having
> SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO/QUERY_STRING be set in the environ as unicode. The
> server can decide (probably subject to configuration). I've implemented
> this in the python3 branch of CherryPy and it seems to work brilliantly.
> Assuming the server *is* configurable, deployers should be able to
> choose Latin-1 if they need to recover the original bytes, without
> having to support a separate set of encoded-byte entries.

Seems to me that you can't have it be configurable and it must always
be latin-1 interpretation. The problem is where you are composing
multiple WSGI applications. If they each have different expectations
or requirements as to how it is handled, aren't you going to have a
problem. Or am I missing something in the way you are explaining it?

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