On Apr 16, 2009, at 3:12 AM, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
I am not sure we ended up with a final answer on all of this, but I
don't want to hold up mod_wsgi 3.0, which includes Python 3.0 support,
any longer. As such, am implementing things as per:


with exception that will not be attempting to do decoding per RFC
2047. Any CGI variables not related to HTTP headers will also be
handled as latin-1, including SCRIPT_NAME, PATH_INFO and QUERY_STRING.
This should be equivalent with what wsgiref does in Python 3.X and
basically keeps the status quo.

If anyone has any last things to say on all of this, please speak up now.

IMO it would make more sense to have the headers be bytes instead of strings decoded/encoded with latin-1, but it's not a huge deal...

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