On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 01:42:32AM +0300, Sergey Schetinin wrote:
> But let's go back to bobo, I can see how URL paths derived from file
> and function names are nice and make sense, but I'm not as thrilled
> with declaring the app path in a decorator. When looking at it from
> the perspective of "caller defines when and how the subroutine is
> called" I see that the entire (and very useful) level of abstraction
> is gone -- the application path is defined right where the application
> itself is defined. It's almost like declaring a piece of code and
> saying "just inject this into file X at line Y" -- not pretty.
> However, I have to admit, that if taken as an iterative improvement
> over file/function name it looks very reasonable.

Seems like this style of declaring routes may be more like what you


Brian Sutherland
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