On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 10:03 AM, Alice Bevan–McGregor
<al...@gothcandy.com> wrote:
> On 2011-01-08 06:49:13 -0800, David Stanek said:
>> Is there a list somewhere of the warts that need to be fixed? I found some
>> in this list's archive and on various blogs, but I was hoping to find a more
>> comprehensive grouping of them.
> Graham Dumpleton, the author of Apache's mod_wsgi, has blogged extensively
> on the subject of WSGI faults.  So far all of the points he raises are IMHO
> valid, well described, and he offers solutions for most, if not all of them.
>  See:
>        http://blog.dscpl.com.au/
> Since not every post about WSGI is actually tagged WSGI, it's best just to
> hit "older posts" a couple of times and start reading.  ;)  Utilizing RSS
> will reduce the amount of work that sounds like to a more manageable level.

I'm going to take some time this weekend to create a consolidated
list. I was hoping to find something like:

Issue: ....
Discussion: http://....
Summary of resolution: ...

blog: http://www.traceback.org
twitter: http://twitter.com/dstanek
Web-SIG mailing list
Web SIG: http://www.python.org/sigs/web-sig

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