On 2011-01-08 07:22:44 -0800, David Stanek said:

I'm going to take some time this weekend to create a consolidated list. I was hoping to find something like:

Issue: ....
Discussion: http://....
Summary of resolution: ...

I agree; that would be very, very nice to have, though it might be helpful (esp. considering the length some of these discussions go to and the mixing of ideas within single threads) to mirror the message nesting as a series of nested lists (if doing this in HTML) to more concisely collect posts vs. pointing to the head of a thread and having to go through literally everything. Of course, that's more work, and should be restricted to threads that are, in fact, scattered or unfocused.

And that first sentance was waaay too long, indicating that I've now been up all night. :(

        - Alice.

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