I don't see this relevant message in your references.


Perhaps that, and following messages, might shed more light?

On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Jason Madden <jason.mad...@nextthought.com>

> Hi all,
> Is there any practical reason that the type of the `environ` object must
> be exactly `dict`, as specified in PEP3333?
> I'm asking because it was recently pointed out that gevent's WSGI server
> can sometimes print `environ` (on certain error cases), but that can lead
> to sensitive information being kept in the server's logs (e.g.,
> HTTP_AUTHORIZATION, HTTP_COOKIE, maybe other things). The simplest and most
> flexible way to prevent this from happening, not just inadvertently within
> gevent itself but also for client applications, I thought, was to have
> `environ` be a subclass of `dict` with a customized `__repr__` (much like
> WebOb does for MultiDict, and repoze.who does for Identity, both for
> similar reasons).
> Unfortunately, when I implemented that in [0], I discovered that
> `wsgiref.validator` asserts that type(environ) is dict. I looked up the
> PEP, and sure enough, PEP 3333 states that environ "must be a builtin
> Python dictionary (not a subclass, UserDict or other dictionary
> emulation)." [1]
> Background/History
> ==================
> That seemed overly restrictive to me, so I tried to backtrack the history
> of that language in hopes of discovering the rationale.
> - It was present in the predecessor of PEP 3333, PEP 0333, in the first
> version committed to the repository in August 2004. [2]
> - Prior to that, it was in both drafts of what would become PEP 0333
> posted to this mailing list, again from August 2004: [3], [4].
> - The ancestor of those drafts, the "Python Web Container Interface v1.0"
> was posted in December of 2003 with somewhat less restrictive language:
> "the environ object *must* be a Python dictionary....The rationale for
> requiring a dictionary is to maximize portability
> between containers" [5].
> Now, the discussion on that earliest draft in [5] specifically brought up
> using other types that implement all the methods of a dictionary, like
> UserDict.DictMixin [6]. The last post on the subject in that thread seemed
> to be leaning towards accepting non-dict objects, at least if they were
> good enough [7].
> By the time the draft became recognizable as the precursor to PEP 0333 in
> [3], the very strict language we have now was in place. That draft,
> however, specifically stated that it was intended to be compatible with
> Python 1.5.2. In Python 1.5.2, it wasn't possible to subclass the builtin
> dict, so imitations, like UserDict.DictMixin, were necessarily imprecise.
> This was later changed to the much-maligned Python 2.2.2 release [8];
> Python 2.2 added the ability to subclass dict, but the language wasn't
> changed.
> Today
> =====
> Given that today, we can subclass dict with full fidelity, is there still
> any practical reason not to be able to do so? I'm probably OK with gevent
> violating the letter of the spec in this regard, so long as there are no
> practical consequences. I was able to think of two possible objections, but
> both can be solved:
> - Pickling the custom `environ` type and then loading it in another
> process might not work if the class is not available. I can imagine this
> coming up with Celery, for example. This is easily fixed by adding an
> appropriate `__reduce_ex__` implementation.
> - Code somewhere relies on `if type(some_object) is dict:` (where
> `environ` became `some_object`, presumably through several levels of
> calls), instead of `isinstance(some_object, dict)` or
> `isinstance(some_object, collections.MutableMapping)`. The solution here is
> simply to not do that :) Pylint, among other linters, produces warnings if
> you do.
> Can anyone think of any other practical reasons I've overlooked? Is this
> just a horrible idea for other reasons?
> I appreciate any discussion!
> Thanks,
> Jason
> [0] https://github.com/gevent/gevent/compare/secure-environ
> [1] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/#specification-details
> [2]
> https://github.com/python/peps/commit/d5864f018f58a35fa787492e6763e382f98b923c#diff-ff370d50af3db062b015d1ef85935779
> [3] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/web-sig/2004-August/000518.html
> [4] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/web-sig/2004-August/000562.html
> [5] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/web-sig/2003-December/000394.html
> [7] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/web-sig/2003-December/000401.html
> [8] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/web-sig/2004-August/000565.html
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