> On 25 Mar 2016, at 15:04, Jason Madden <jason.mad...@nextthought.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 25, 2016, at 05:01, Cory Benfield <c...@lukasa.co.uk> wrote:
>> Given that gevent is keeping hold of its own reference to the environ, why 
>> does gevent not simply wrap the environ dict in a class that implements this 
>> functionality directly? In that manner, gevent can expose its own error 
>> handling behaviour as desired, and continue to follow PEP-3333.
> I did consider that, but didn't want to do that unless there were actual 
> practical problems passing the same object that gevent references. Making a 
> copy just to pass to the application adds additional time and memory 
> requirements that are always nice to avoid in a server.

For what it’s worth, I’m not advocating a copy. I’m advocating a class like 

class SecureDictWrapper(collections.MutableMapping):
    def __init__(self, environ):
        self._environ = environ

That class would then implement the MutableMapping API and delegate its calls 
through to the dictionary itself. There would still only be one dictionary: the 
only new allocation is for the wrapper class. The overhead is small. =)


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