I agree with Anthony.  What I've done with my apps is to rip apart the base 
layout and provide my own.  I typically find something I like 
in https://wrapbootstrap.com/ and update layout.html to accommodate.


On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:52:35 AM UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
> Thanks for the answer, I was aware of that completely. It is just that 
>> Massimo said that it is trivial to replace BS2 with BS3 yet when I try to 
>> do it the trivial way and then create a FORM in controller (whether it be 
>> simple form, sqlform or sqlform.factory) the form looks completely wrong. 
>> The same is with main menu.
> By trivial, I don't think Massimo meant to take templates with non-BS3 
> HTML structure and CSS classes and simply load the BS3 CSS file and expect 
> to have everything work.
>> Now I know that in this case I should create form in HTML using 
>> appropriate BS3 classes and then use that form in controller but I think 
>> you will agree that this takes away the ease of use which is one of the 
>> main strengths of web2py.
> First, web2py does include a BS3 formstyle, so you can simply do:
> SQLFORM(..., formstyle='bootstrap3')
> and assuming you have the BS3 CSS loaded, your forms should look fine.
> More generally, though, web2py cannot cater to every CSS framework. 
> Because Bootstrap is so popular, it is used for the scaffolding app, and 
> there are built-in formstyles for BS2 and BS3. If you want to use another 
> CSS framework, however, you can simply spend a few minutes writing a custom 
> formstyle function, and then use that for all of your forms -- no need to 
> write custom HTML in every form view.
>> I suppose that was why OP named this thread "Bootstrap is killing 
>> web2py". I think a lot of web2py users (like myself) are novices in web 
>> programming and while it may be trivial for versed web programmer to use 
>> BS3 with web2py it is not the case for the beginners. BS3 is more than a 
>> year old but I still develop my web apps using BS2 because that is what 
>> ships with web2py. I don't want to criticize, web2py is an excellent 
>> framework but I think it needs to ship with BS3, otherwise it will lose a 
>> lot of novice programmers and I think novice programmers are important 
>> because those are the future user base of web2py.
> I agree that the scaffolding app should migrate to BS3, but this is a bit 
> of an odd complaint. Most server side frameworks come with no scaffolding 
> app at all. How could the lack of a BS3 scaffolding app be killing web2py 
> if the alternatives don't offer one either? web2py certainly doesn't make 
> it any harder to work with BS3 than any other framework, and in fact it is 
> generally easier because web2py does include a BS3 formstyle and BS3 
> classes for the grid (most other frameworks don't even include a grid for 
> that matter).
> Of course it's easier if the scaffolding app already happens to be based 
> on the CSS framework you want to use, but it really is not that difficult 
> to take any front-end template you find and convert it to a web2py layout 
> template, as described here 
> <http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/05/the-views#Page-layout>. 
> Just start with the HTML template and insert some of the web2py template 
> code you see in the welcome layout.html, tweaked as needed. You might also 
> keep some or all of web2py.css.
> In any case, Massimo has distributed a BS3 version of the welcome app, 
> though if you're not planning to make any layout/styling modifications 
> anyway, it really won't be any different from using the BS2 version.
> Anthony

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