> Assume I don't know how to put anything in nav bar.  Which methods and 
> docs do I write to?
I do something similar by adding this code to a file in the models 
directory (i call mine 'menu.py') where you set up response.menu: 

    if no_action_users:
        response.menu += [
            (SPAN('%s' % len(no_action_users), _class="badge badge-warning", 
_title="Active contacts (`buyer` or `seller` status) without assigned 
actions"), False, URL('default', 'notifications')

    if email_cnt:
        response.menu += [
            (SPAN('%s' % email_cnt, _class="badge badge-important", 
emails requiring your attention"), False, URL('default', 'notifications')

The picture attached shows what it looks like (note in the pic only the 
email_cnt var has a value so only one 'badge' is shown.  Had there been a 
value for no_action_users then an orange badge would appear with the number 
in it as well).

Hope that helps,
Jose C

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