didn't mean to startle anyone .... amusement is personal entertainment, 
meant as "if you want to try facing the hige problem by yourself and you 
are willing to read through tons of docs".

that being said IMHO the question was/is ill posed. "wsgi" (no *U*wsgi, no 
*MOD_*wsgi) is just a spec. Anyone telling "you can't use wsgi because it's 
not safe" is basically telling you NOT to use python for web development, 
because it's really the only standard out there for python apps.

in your "quoted parenthesis" 

* (which means not using web2py with apache)*

you probably pointed out a reference to running wsgi under apache .... that 
is mod_wsgi. Now, mod_wsgi works. It has some configuration parameters that 
are hard to fine tune, but unrelated to security. As Kiran pointed out, 
there are multiple CVEs affecting it.
We, as web2py-developers, don't "block" any deployment method. Web2py 
exposes a wsgi interface, and provides adapters for cgi, fastcgi, scgi and 
wsgi protocols. You can deploy web2py also behind a reverse proxy using the 
included webservers. This translates to "pretty much everywhere and behind 

However we, as "support people", often see lots of users facing really 
weird issues deploying web2py with mod_wsgi under apache, and since there 
are alternatives that are far superior, with less headaches, less resource 
hungry, more scalable and with less security concerns, "encourage" dropping 
apache+mod_wsgi architectures in favour of nginx+uwsgi ones.
Apache in production DEFINITELY suffers a very simple DdOS attach known as 
slowloris, that anyone knows, it's easy to do from any home internet 
connection and that can be mitigated only if you put something in FRONT of 
it. Why don't just drop apache alltogether ?

In the end, web2py "should" be run under apache only and only if apache is 
a requirement itself (e.g. it runs other applications written in other 
programming languages).

That being said, if you can point out the full extent of your chat we'll 
probably be able to pinpoint the scary part and address your concerns. 
If the problem is really "how can I prevent my web2py app to send GET 
requests to other domains" the reply is simply "don't issue requests to 
other domains". But that would be true indipendently from the webserver of 
your choice.
If the problem is, on the other end, "I've been told that mod_wsgi can be 
exploited if not properly tuned, regardless of the underlying python app ", 
once again, options are (from safer to less safer) 
- consider something else than apache
- call an expert to fix apache and mod_wsgi
- reading through mod_wsgi docs, mailing list and CVEs and pinpoint the 
needed fix

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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