I'm trying to build a single function (in a controller) that generate 
different matplotlib graph..

So the function that generate the stream works fine:
*def grafico*(title='title',xlab='x',ylab='y' data=.... ):
     return stream.getvalue()

the function that call the privious *works fine but not as i want:*

*def graf_comp_gior*():
    test_id=1 # *I need to set the id on the fly*
    print response.args # *Always none why?*
    print response.vars #*Always none why?*

    rows = db(db.tat.id_test==test_id).select()
    .... #manupulate the data as i need

    return graf

This is the view with the embedded graph works fine:

{{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>TAT completi per l'analisi {{=variabili['anal']}}</h1>
*args=[argomenti[0],vars=dict('id'=argomenti[0])]))}} **How can i pass some 
data to the previous function?*

*Do i need to store them in a session?*

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