How can I make the 'barcode' field in bursary_entries reference/depend upon 
a 'barcode' entry in bursary_users? Do I just have to alter my field to:
type='text', requires=IS_IN_DB(db,'bursary_users.barcode)

I was trying to make sense of what was needed here and I thought 'requires' 
was the best way of doing it, but does that only work for the primary key?

Thanks for your help.

On Friday, October 14, 2016 at 7:49:17 PM UTC+1, Val K wrote:
> 'reference bursary_users' and requires = [IS_IN_DB(db, 'bursary_users
> .barcode')]  - I think, that  it's mutually exclusive requirements 
> 'reference bursary_users' == requires = IS_IN_DB(db, 'bursary_users.*id*')
> On Friday, October 14, 2016 at 6:21:38 PM UTC+3, James Booth wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> Excuse me if I'm missing something (or a lot), but I'm pretty experienced 
>> with web2py.
>> I have the following defined in my model:
>> db.define_table('bursary_users',
>>>                 Field('forename', type='string', 
>>> requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>>                 Field('surname', type='string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>>>                 Field('studentId', type='string', 
>>> requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), unique=True),
>>>                 Field('barcode', type='string', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(), 
>>> unique=True),
>>>                 Field('email', type='string', requires=IS_EMAIL(), 
>>> unique=True),
>>>                 Field('bursary', requires=IS_IN_SET(['Free school 
>>> meals','Bursary','Disabled'])),
>>>                 Field('notes', type='text'),
>>>                 format='%(studentId)s'
>>> )
>>> db.define_table('bursary_entries',
>>>                 Field('barcode', 'reference bursary_users', requires = 
>>> [IS_IN_DB(db, 'bursary_users.barcode')]),
>>>                 Field('entry_date', type='datetime', 
>>>, readable=False, writable=False),
>>>                 format='%(barcode)s'
>>> )
>> When I use the SQLFORM on a page, I can enter a barcode and it validates 
>> it (Fails if not in bursary_users, pass if it is). However, when I come to 
>> check the database, I'm getting a '0' (Althought it is hyperlinked to 
>> nothing) for the barcode value and a correct value for the entry_date.
>> Any ideas why this is happening?
>> Kind regards,
>> James. 

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