Hi, could you extend on what do you mean with checking that the "on" 
between tables equals?
The grid itself looks good.

Thank you.


El jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016, 1:08:02 (UTC-5), Iago Pinal escribió:
> Hello,
> I am using an SQLFORM.grid to interact with a database. When I use the 
> LEFT JOIN with this form the search fields in the SQLFORM.grid repeats the 
> search fields (see screen capture).
> Did you any of you have any clue why this could be happening and how to 
> solve it?
> Thank you
> Iago
> *#MODEL*
> db = DAL('sqlite://storage.myositis_db')
> db.define_table('d_dx',
>     Field('dx_code', 'string', label='Diagnosis code'),
>     Field('dx_descr', 'string', label='Diagnosis'))
> db.define_table('d_subdx',
>     Field('subdx_code', 'integer', label='Subdiagnosis code'),
>     Field('subdx_descr', 'string', label='Subdiagnosis'))
> db.define_table('d_atb',
>     Field('atb_code', 'integer', label='Antibody code', notnull=True, 
> unique=True),
>     Field('atb_descr', 'string', label='Antibody', notnull=True, 
> unique=True))
> db.define_table('general',
>     Field('general_id', 'id', label='ID', notnull=True, unique=True),
>     Field('mrn', 'string', label='MRN', notnull=True, unique=True),
>     Field('first_name', 'string'),
>     Field('last_name', 'string'),
>     Field('serum_number', 'integer'),
>     Field('clinical_dx', 'reference d_dx', 'string', label='Clinical 
> diagnosis', default='Unknown'),
>     Field('clinical_subdx', 'string', label='Clinical subdiagnosis', 
> default='Unknown'),
>     Field('atb_dx', 'string', label='Antibody', default='Unknown'))
> #Enforce rules
> db.general.mrn.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message='The medical record 
> field cannot be empty'),
>                            IS_MATCH('^BV\d{8}$', error_message='Medical 
> record number is in the wrong format'),
>                            IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, db.general.mrn, 
> error_message='The medical record is already in the database')]
> db.general.clinical_dx.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.d_dx.dx_code, 
> '%(dx_descr)s', zero=None)
> db.general.clinical_subdx.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.d_subdx.subdx_code, 
> '%(subdx_descr)s', zero=None)
> db.general.atb_dx.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.d_atb.atb_code, 
> '%(atb_descr)s',zero=None)
> auth = Auth(db)
> auth.define_tables()
> auth.settings.registration_requires_verification = False
> auth.settings.registration_requires_approval = True
> auth.settings.reset_password_requires_verification = False
> @auth.requires_login()
> def patients_list():
>     fields=[db.general.general_id,
>             db.general.mrn,
>             db.general.first_name,
>             db.general.last_name,
>             db.general.serum_number,
>             db.d_dx.dx_descr,
>             db.d_subdx.subdx_descr,
>             db.d_atb.atb_descr]
>     links=[dict(header='Edit', body=lambda row: 
> A(T('Edit'),_href=URL('default', 'test',args=[row.get('general', 
> row).general_id])))]
>     left = [db.d_dx.on(db.general.clinical_dx==db.d_dx.dx_code), 
> db.d_subdx.on(db.general.clinical_subdx==db.d_subdx.subdx_code), 
> db.d_atb.on(db.general.clinical_dx==db.d_atb.atb_code)]
>     grid = SQLFORM.grid(db.general.id>0,
>                         fields=fields,
>                         left=left,
>                         links=links,
>                         orderby=[db.general.id],
>                         exportclasses=dict(csv_with_hidden_cols=False, 
> xml=False, tsv_with_hidden_cols=False, tsv=False, json=False, html=False),
>                         deletable=True,
>                         editable=True,
>                         details=True,
>                         paginate=50)
>     return locals()

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