I am experiencing a peculiar issue with smartgrid and grid.  I have web2py 
installed on Apache/2.2.15 (Red Hat)  and everything works as it supposed 
to with respect to disabling export options:

title_grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.title, linked_tables = ['title_archive'], 
links=title_links, editable= dict(title=True, title_archive=False), 
deletable= dict(title=True, title_archive=False), create= dict(title=True, 
title_archive=False), user_signature=True, details=False, showbuttontext=
True, paginate=30, maxtextlengths={'title.f_title_desc':50}, exportclasses=
dict(csv_with_hidden_cols=False, xml=False, html=False, tsv_with_hidden_cols
=False, json=False), orderby=orderby, divider="ยป", formname='title_grid')

Here's a screenshot of it:

However, when the same exact application is installed on web2py 
(Running on Microsoft-IIS/8.5, Python 2.7.10)   I get the full Export 
option regardless of the disabled options:


Is there something I am missing or something can be done to enable control 
over Export options? Thanks!!!

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