>First issue with @mobilize import


Hey everybody,

I'm getting the same error with @mobilize after upgrade. 
Any ideas how to resolve?

Thanks & cheers

On Thursday, 13 July 2017 09:45:11 UTC+2, Jacinto Parga wrote:
> Great job. Thanks.
> First issue with @mobilize import
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Z7zBNM7KCLE/WWck1vr3PiI/AAAAAAAAFQc/GYpGdc3-5K0eBFRNaR9HG2wEvBw0I1OkACLcBGAs/s1600/Selecci%25C3%25B3n_022.png>
> from gluon.contrib.user_agent_parser import mobilize
> El miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017, 8:55:21 (UTC+2), Massimo Di Pierro 
> escribió:
>> Please help us test the new web2py:
>> https://mdipierro.pythonanywhere.com/examples/static/nightly/web2py_src.zip
>> https://mdipierro.pythonanywhere.com/examples/static/nightly/web2py_osx.zip
>> https://mdipierro.pythonanywhere.com/examples/static/nightly/web2py_win.zip
>> Personally and on behalf of the community: thanks to everybody who has 
>> contributed! 
>> It has been a year but we piled up a huge number of small changes and bug 
>> fixes.
>> ## 2.16.0b1
>> - experimental python 3 support
>> - experimental authapi for service login
>> - more tests
>> - d3.js model visulization
>> - improved scheduler
>> - is_email support for internationalized Domain Names
>> - improved used of cookies with CookieJar
>> - SQLFORM.grid(showblobs=True)
>> - import JS events (added w2p.componentBegin event)
>> - added support for CASv3
>> - allow first_name and last_name placeholders in verify_email message
>> - added three-quote support in markmin
>> - updated pg8000 driver (but we still recommend psycopg2)
>> - compiled views use . separator not _ separator (must recompile code)
>> - better serbian, french, and catalan translations
>> - speed improvements (refactor of compileapp and pyc caching)
>> - removed web shell (never worked as intended)
>> - allow Expose(..., follow_symlink_out=False).
>> - Updated fpdf to latest version
>> - JWT support
>> - import fabfile for remote deployment
>> - jQuery 3.2.1
>> - PyDAL 17.07 including:
>>   allow jsonb support for postgres
>>   correctly configure adapters that need connection for configuration
>>   better caching
>>   updated IMAP adapter methods to new API
>>   experimental suport for joinable subselects
>>   improved Teradata support
>>   improved mongodb support
>>   overall refactoring
>>   experimental support for Google Cloud SQL v2

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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