
We are trying to use PyDAL 17.11 on a PostgreSQL database in combination 
with falcon on gunicorn. When we instantiate the db connection in the 
on_get or on_post methods it is successful. Now we want to minimize the 
number of db connections by instantiating the connection in the __init__ of 
the class containing the on_get/on_post methods but this results in an 
attribute error; AttributeError '_thread._local' object has no attribute 
'_pydal_connection_somerandomnumber'. We can't seem to find out how and why 
this is happening.

We are using Python 3.6 and we have tried using pg8000 1.12.4 and 
psycopg2(-binary) as drivers.

Can anyone please tell me what we are doing wrong or which information they 
are missing to successfully answer our question.

Thanks in advance!


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