Web2py is Great, Greatest framework that i had ever tried and stick onto it.

But what it is lacking is publicity and lack of KILLER web-apps like those
Made PHP most popular web-development platform.
Here are some , what that had made PHP Popular and which will also make
Web2py + Python all together more popular and makes development enviorment
of Choice for web:

Necessary APPS:

*Database Administration:*

phpMyAdmin - Is the Most used webbased Database Manager ever

we have admin for web2py but that alone is not sufficient, we need a DB
Admin for every Databases on the current system .
Current commercial project i am doing have some features for it and when i
free i will start making dedicated one . I will need contributers later.

Hows about PySQLAdmin sounds?

*File Manager :*

Those who work on LAMP , they usually use a file manager like net2ftp.
Current my  elFinder-web2py works well for this case, but i need
contributors .


KPAX exist but it is not dedicatedly maintained , we will need dedicated
maintainers for it , lets let Massimo dedicate his works on web2py.
KPAX should  not only be as Appliance , it should have its own Domain and
brand.And lets make it better than CMS.


There are many blog exist on the appliance , but we need a dedicate best one
that can go toes to toes against Wordpress.
+ will need A Dedicated domain , and maintainer.

*Stack Overflow Clone:*

For web2py community and as separate Open Source Project , lets make a SO

*Email Client:*
Python have a very rich Built-in mail handling libs , developing a
gmail-clone wont be hard at all.

Ticketing Systems:

Many enterprises needs a Help Desk/ Ticketing system . Best one i used is RT
(Perl based ticketing system). We can make a better one based on web2py.

What i can contribute :

I am planning to provide a site for hosting web2py app and demos for it. I
have server / space and good domain (www.web2pyhost.com, scaryhits.com)  or
should it be web2pyapps.com
for code hosting we can use google for that.


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