I believe that a simple helper, to be called in any view or controller is
enought, imagine:


{{extend 'layout.html'}}

{{SEO(title='My Product view',


     description='This is a phone seller site made with web2py',




<h1 id="">Choose your phone</h1>



Another important thing is the page slug, even if the action is called
e.g: "showproduct" and that expect an product id for a product named
"XPTO smartphone", then
"/showprodict/id" needs to be accessible by "/showproduct/xpto-smartphone"
but it is a database design matter, I dont know how web2py could help with that.

video about SEO:

2010/8/6 Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com>

> SEO is basically done through:
> page title (response.meta.title)
> page keywords ( response.meta.keywords)
> page description ( response.meta.description)
> plus:
> the robots.txt file under website root directory,
> good practices for creating links and inserting images,
> Semantic html markup ( I mean always including "name" , "alt", "title" for
> relevant tags),
> and also using correctly the most relevant tags (h1,h2,h..., <em>, <strong>
> etc )
> And one of the most important thing: Build a sitemap [1]
> web2py is ready to do all that, but we need to do it all from the scratch,
> what we need now is a helper or a mechanism to make it more user friendly.As
> is done by the plugin ALL-IN-ONE-PACK-SEO on wordpress for example.
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Site_map
> 2010/8/6 mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>
> web2py does not care. I do not think there is any difference between
>> frameworks about this. The issue how you use them.
>> web2py provides response.meta that combined with the default layout
>> allows you to set
>> response.meta.keywords
>> response.meta.description
>> response.meta.author
>> If you have recommendations about specific features that need to be
>> implemented at the framework level, let us know.
>> On Aug 6, 6:13 am, puercoespin <jzaragoza.puercoes...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Is web2py designed for a good practices about SEO? Are some frameworks
>> > SEO-friends and others no SEO-friends and, if this is true, are web2py
>> > SEO-friend?
>> >
>> > Thanks
> --
> http://rochacbruno.com.br



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