Why GPL is discouraging users? Is it the case that Drupal, Wordpress
or Joomla have no users? They are all released on GPL terms. Moreover,
they consider themes and plugins to be derivative work and as such
they have to be released on GPL terms if distributed. Still, thousands
of plugins and themes have been made.

Pay close attention here, *if* distributed. In common web development
scenario where expected end product is the working web application
deployed on some server, the application code is not distributed but
simply used and doesn't have to be released on GPL terms. In those
rare cases where client specifically require the source code as she
wants to deploy the application on her own, you release the code on
GPL terms but to her only. She paid for it's creation anyway right?

And with web2py, thanks to exceptions, you don't even have to do that.
Application code is not considered to be a derivative work. But
changes to the framework and works build on top of it are (that is,
*if* distributed). So again, you can have your own specialised version
of web2py running on some servers, but you cannot make a proprietary
fork of web2py. And this will be allowed by non-copyleft licences such
as modified BSD licence or X11 licence.

Now, those who would benefit from a proprietary fork are not the
users. And in that sense, by not allowing the community fragmentation
around a number of different less or more commercial oriented forks
the GPL helps to create a good framework, as it keeps the community

So as I just showed to you, GPL is a non-issue for the users and
protects the freedom of the framework much better than non-copyleft
licences would. Your only argument being "the other Python frameworks
use non-copyleft licences" is not convincing. Statistic != merit.

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