On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 4:16 AM, VP <vtp2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've supported web2py for a long time.  But I think it's time to
> rethink about PR. Frankly, I think this Flask/Django business is a
> distraction.  I think Massimo should completely ignore and do not say
> anything about Flask or Django.

Where did THIS come from? Django is mentioned once by an asker "Is
this a good framework to start with? Was looking at web.py, but this
looks more complex yet not as django does.", and once in a response
"Web2py is much easier to learn than Django and offers much more
productivity than web.py.". Flask isn't mentioned at all. Or am I
missing something?

In the summary, also no mention of Django or Flask.

Branko Vukelic


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