Can you tell us which school?

On May 30, 5:56 pm, Resa <> wrote:
> I`d like to thank the web2py forum members  THANKS for all you
> assistance... finally im finished my course usuing web2py and this
> forum added me in so many ways..... what I found very funny was that
> at the beginning of my web course when my lecturer told us(my class
> and I) that we would be using a framework called "Web2py" I was not
> the very enthused..  and believe me when I tell you that half of the
> semester was crazy.. no one wanted to learn the framework because it
> was so hard and according to the majority they didn't understand
> it(in my opinion prob because most of us never worked with a framework
> and also because we were so reluctant to change our work methods). It
> got to the point where people were blaming their failure on Web2py. Up
> till now ,with my last 2 assignments , Web2py was the reason why they
> could not complete it.. I must admit though, I hated the framework
> when i started. It was the first course that I literally had no clue
> as to what I was doing(meaning I also blamed Web2py). Now my my.. to
> my surprise,  I am doing what i could not fathom at the beginning of
> the semester.. I definitely  have learnt to appreciate Web2py.. it has
> taught me far more than I expected... and my classmates (the ones that
> have woken up to change) have realized  and has openly expressed that
> as well.. So again thank you all for all your efforts to assist!!
> Special thanks to Massimo Di Pierro..(smiles)
> Thanks a million to all
> ~~~~Live Laugh Love || Strength, Courage and Wisdom ~~~~
> “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.
>  Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with
> talent.
>  Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
>  Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
>  Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
> The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of
> the human race”

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