Hi Massimo,

this is my *full*, unaltered startup log (web2py 1.96.4 running under
Jython 2.5.2):

No handlers could be found for logger "web2py.dal"
New installation: unable to create welcome.w2p fileweb2py Web
Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-2011
Version 1.96.4 (2011-06-07 15:03:19)
Database drivers available: pymysql, zxJDBC
Starting hardcron...
WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
please visit:
use "kill -SIGTERM 2460" to shutdown the web2py server
WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking
WARNING:web2py.cron:WEB2PY CRON: Disabled because no file locking

The line below the version number clearly indicates that the driver
zxJDBC is available. I did *not* include 'zxJDBC.jar' in the classpath
since it does already come with Jython. You are mistaken on this
point. The driver class files are included in Jython.jar under the
folder structure com/ziclix/python/sql, as required. If you have a
look into the file "News" in the Jython install dir, there is an entry
"Includes zxJDBC for Python DB API 2.0 compatibility". It even dates
back to "03-dec-2001 Jython 2.1 beta 1" ... which surprises me quite a
lot since I expected it to be a much more recent change. But I am not
familiar with Jython at all - just trying to use it in this particular

If I do put the 'zxJDBC.jar' in the classpath, just to be sure, the
startup log is exactly the same. For me this seems to emphasize my


On 24 Jun., 01:00, Massimo Di Pierro <massimo.dipie...@gmail.com>
> At startup do you get:
> zxJDBC support is experimental
> or
> no zxJDBC driver
> or None.
> Did you install the zxJDBC sqlite driver? It does not come with
> Jython.

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