On Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:43:55 PM UTC-4, Cliff wrote: 
> Running Version 1.97.1 (2011-06-26 19:25:44) 
> First problem: 
> This is a snippet from a view file.  It works except that it displays 
> the output of the quals function.  Apparently it cannot find my 
> quals.load file and is using the generic load file in its place. 
> <div id="tabs-3"> 
>                     {{=LOAD(c='users',f='quals.load', 
> extension='load', args=(request.args(0)), 
>                     ajax=True, target='tabs-3')}} 
>                 </div>

Note, LOAD itself returns a div, and the id of that div is whatever you 
specify as the 'target' argument (if you don't specify 'target', it creates 
a random id). So, you're actually nesting the LOAD div inside another div, 
and they both have the same id (i.e., "tabs-3"). So, either don't put the 
LOAD inside a div, or make sure you give it a different id. Also, you don't 
need to specify the '.load' in your f argument if you also specify the 
extension argument (in that case, I think it will end up ignoring the 
extension argument).

> Second problem: 
> In trying to find out if setting ajax to True was causing my first 
> problem, I stumbled over a second.  Setting 'ajax=False' or not 
> setting ajax at all causes an exception.  Could this be a bug?  If so, 
> please let me know where and how to report the thing.  It's totally 
> reproducible on my system.

There is currently a bug with ajax=False where response.generic_patterns is 
not getting passed to the component, so generic views are not working with 
non-ajax components at the moment. If you're getting an invalid view error, 
that could be the problem.

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