Well BSD isn't what you want for your goals. BSD allows anyone to download
and sell your code as if it was their own.

If you take QT for example they had a really strict license that stopped a
lot of people interested in commercial use from using it. However when they
changed their license to LGPL a lot more developers and companies started
to use the sdk.

I don't know much about the MIT, I tend to use more software with the BSD
license when my software will be making lots of money, otherwise I prefer

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 6:26 PM, Tito Garrido <titogarr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is it using SEO optimizations? Really nice project!
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 10:15 PM, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I am trying to understand the COns and Pros between BSD, MIT and LGPL
>> So I will choose one of that by the end of the week when beta will be
>> officially released.
>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 7:30 PM, Ross Peoples <ross.peop...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I'm not sure how much my opinion matters here, but a lot of times, I am
>>> not allowed to touch GPL code, especially AGPL code for a business project.
>>> The legal department avoids (A)GPL like the plague. There are just too many
>>> gotchas with it, whether real or imaginary. They much prefer I use MIT or
>>> BSD, and have started to come around to LGPL. But there is no way they will
>>> let me use anything more restrictive. Our legal department can't be the
>>> only one in the corporate world that feels the same way.
>>> So if you want real businesses to touch code, it has to be LGPL or
>>> better (less restrictive). I believe this was one of the reasons web2py is
>>> using LGPL now. But this is your project, and a great one at that! So feel
>>> free to license it however you like, just be aware of the adoption issues.
>>> --
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>> --
>> Bruno Rocha
>> [http://rochacbruno.com.br]
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> Linux User #387870
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Bruce Wade

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