
Just out of curiosity.
Is the dal connection pooled?
If in postgres you CLUSTER on the salary index do figures change?


2012/2/10 BrendanC <>:
> Niphlod,
> Thanks (belatedly) for your valuable  contribution and  your test results.
>  The only thing missing from your test is contention for database
> resources/connections and that is what prompted my initial question. In the
> past I worked on a client server application where we had performance issues
> re  getting and releasing database connections (this was against a heavily
> used clinical trials Oracle database).
> I'm very clear on the value of adding indexes to the database - however that
> is a bit tangential to my initial question - which was primarily focused on
> understanding the limitations/boundaries of using the DAL and connection
> management.
> I'm curious about your statement that the DAL will always use the same
> connection. My understanding is that the DAL closes and reopens the database
> connection for each request.  Whether it's the same connection or not may
> not matter -  once you close a db connection it goes back into the pool and
> you may/may not incur a delay in opening new connection. (In a lightly
> loaded system you may never see this issue however).
> I was under the impression that minimizing db connections was desirable to
> prevent thrashing. In the real world this may no longer be an issue. I do
> however recall this being an issue in the past and it's something that is
> seldom mentioned in Web development.
> Finally, just so there is no confusion here - I'm not criticizing web2py or
> the DAL here - my question is equally valid for Rails, Django etc - afaik
> all these frameworks close and reopen connections for each request.
> Again thanks for your thoughtful response to my initial question.
> BrendanC

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