uhm, could be interesting. I myself have some problems updating the 
language of an application that has ~1200 strings with the normal admin 

Having them inside a db would be useful.... but I don't think I'll use the 
"translate directly on the site" feature .... I placed some T()s inside 
javascript function and it could be messy with those :D Also, maybe a 
string found in the template can be "rearranged" by some javascript in the 
DOM... total mess there ;-P

I was thinking about keeping record of the location where T() was found to 
facilitate keeping track of all the various translated strings (controller, 
modules, views, models, etc), then display the results to willing users.

Right now it comes to mind that a "recommended translation" system would be 
useful.... let's say I don't know Spanish, but my users do. Once 10 
different users report the same translation for the same string, that is 
"accepted" as the right translation for that string.

This module will serialize back to languages/*.py files the saved results 
(maybe a function accessible only from admin people)?

If you need any help I'd be glad to partecipate

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