@Anthony: Thanks for such a thorough response. I'm sorry I didn't
mention for Question 2 that I was deleting the files myself using a
method almost identical to the one you presented here. I was just
wondering if there was a built-in way to do this more efficiently
(less coding). Apparently not, which is OK, since the method presented
is pretty simple.

On Question 1 - I continue to investigate and have the following to

First, I discovered the following exception:
TransactionRollbackError: deadlock detected\nDETAIL:  Process 6208
waits for ShareLock on transaction 29974; blocked by process
8700.\nProcess 8700 waits for ShareLock on transaction 29973; blocked
by process 6208.\nHINT:  See server log for query details.\nCONTEXT:
SQL statement "DELETE FROM ONLY "public"."my_table" WHERE $1
OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) "my_file_id""\n

This is probably caused by doing a bunch of deletes without a
db.commit(). I placed a db.commit() immediately following each delete,
and now some of the files are getting deleted, but not all. The static/
data/test.name/??/*.txt files are getting deleted. However the uploads/
test.image/??/*.jpg files are *NOT* getting deleted. So queueing up
too many deletes without a db.commit() is at least partially the
culprit. Does that make sense?

Further testing - I then tried deleting the test record from within
the web2py admin application and both files are getting deleted as
expected. So then I tried something else ...

First, some additional info. There is another table with a Field that
refers to this test table and has an ondelete='CASCADE' parameter set.
>From within the web2py admin IDE, if I delete the other table first,
the test table is not deleted as expected. If I then delete the test
table, the static/data/??/*.txt files get deleted but the uploads/
test.image/??/*.jpg files do not.

So perhaps the autodelete=True is a red herring. The problem may be
with ondelete='CASCADE' pointing to a record with a field with
autodelete=True. I hope this helps. This may, indeed, be a bug. Any

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