On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 13:09:17 -0300
Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Movu.ca is a general purpose CMS with focus on social network
> features (as likes, shares, users and connections...)

We just need general-purpose CMS without neeed for socila network stuff.

> By now Movu.ca is in Alpha release, there are a lot of work to be
> done and some areas to improve, but now it is a nice base to start
> any development which needs social+CMS features.


> You can build e-commerce apps:
> http://movu.ca/demo/article/show/16/web2py-shirt

There is some cart app available to be used?

We do not have big shop 'cause we 'sell' only services (counselling,
homeopathy treatments etc.)

> And you can have a general purpose network as www.web2pyslices.com

Ohh, didn't know it is powered now by Movu.ca.

What about general blog engine with 'standard' features?

> The only great feature by now is the ability to extend the content
> types by the way movu.ca datamodels are developed:
> http://movu.ca/demo/article/show/1/how-to-create-content-types-in-movuca-cms

That's great feature and usign COncrete5, we expect to have many
'blocks' available. :-)

> But it needs more! a playable admin interface, an install process,
> more themes!

/me nods

> Only needs more contributors!

At the moment, I'm in the league of those which can try to use ready
components and put them together with minimal coding/tweaking.

Hopefully, more people will recognize that web2py needs stable
CMS+blog+ecommerce+social_network+.. platform.


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