On Wed, 18 Apr 2012 11:29:09 +0200
Roberto De Ioris <robe...@unbit.it> wrote:

> I am the one you are already talking about it on irc :)

Ohh, you're the uwsgi author?

I thought you're using 'unbit' nick. :-)

> By the way uWSGI is for sure the one consuming less memory (in
> relation to features you get) in the group of preforking/multithreaded
> servers.

That's great to hear.

> You can even rebuild it removing all of the unneeded features.

Even cooler.

> It is built expecially for shared hosting with limited
> processes/threads and memory so you will find options to limit its
> memory or to trigger reload on specific conditions (or exceptions).


So, you mean using just uwsgi?

> Obviously it has a very high learning curve, so be prepared for some
> headache (but it will payback for sure).

OK, np.

> Another popular solution (in pure python this time) is gunicorn, it
> is in the spirit "do only one thing, do it well", so from a
> programmer point of view it is a lot more appealing than uWSGI (that
> is sysadmins-oriented). It has no threads support, so you have to
> rely on processes and some external tool if you want to
> monitor/manage your app.

I'll take a look. Thanks for the pointer, although uwsgi sounds more


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