On 30-Oct-07, at 2:33 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

        Below is a document I have written up describing the webkit port
that our team want to build. We’d like to know what the community thinks of
the port we are proposing.

Sounds like a neat idea. Keep in mind that Safari is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. So I suggest picking a different name for the project.

Also, a company called Wake3 apparently already has a Windows CE port in progress: <http://www.wake3.com/>. They have not released any code yet as far as I know, but you may wish to get in touch with them.

 We also have WebKit up and running on WinCE.

I hope the WinCE ports can eventually come together and perhaps land in the webkit.org tree.

I agree. We're not entirely done deciding on our approach even but we would like to check it in sometime in the next few months.

George Staikos
KDE Developer                           http://www.kde.org/
Staikos Computing Services Inc.         http://www.staikos.net/

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