On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 01:54:48AM -0700, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> Keep in mind that the "3-clause" BSD-style licenses are not the classic BSD 
> license with advertising clause, which *requires* mention in advertising. 
> It just withholds the right to claim endorsement by particular companies 
> (in some cases Apple, in a few others Google). I don't believe this 
> conflicts with LGPL or creates any practical problem.

It's not that it conflicts, it's just that it makes the whole a mix of
more licenses.

>> By the way, I filed bug #14885 a while ago, which has fortunately been
>> fixed, but new files additions "broke" it again. So, coders, please be
>> careful when add LGPLed files, and check the FSF address to be correct.
> Patches welcome.

I'd just like not to have to send patches in the future ;)

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