The notification is truly about the icon itself being ready, not the URL. And yes, it is dependent on the IconDatabase. Currently, if the IconDatabase is not enabled, we never download site icons.

If all you care about is the URL, you can grab it and start downloading the icon anytime after the <head> element is finished parsing.


On Apr 15, 2008, at 4:54 AM, Artem Ananiev wrote:


I'm implementing Frame's icon support in Java port of WebKit. Actually, icons support only include two things: ability to get icon's URL and notification about this URL is ready for the page.

The former is easy: I just call iconURL() for the given FrameLoader. However, the latter is not so trivial... I have found some notification in FrameLoaderClient class - dispatchDidReceiveIcon - but it is never called. After some time searching forums I found a post about this notification be dependent on IconDatabase, which is missing in Java port.

So the question is: are there any other ways to get a notification about Frame's icon URL is ready? I don't need an icon itself, URL is enough as all the further loading is done in Java code.


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