On May 11, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Geoffrey Garen wrote:

Maybe I would use webkit-patch if it really were quite easy. I tried it in earnest for a while, but I had to give it up because: * I couldn't find a ChangeLog workflow that fit its demands, so using it was actually more complicated than doing everything by hand

Can you explain this in more detail?

I don't know how to do either of these steps in an easy way:

1. Once I have a patch with a ChangeLog, say, "File a new bug and upload this patch for review." (Bonus points if the tool automatically made the first line of the ChangeLog the title of the bug.)

In the case where you don't have a ChangeLog, you can use "webkit- patch upload" to do all these things. But I believe the step where it lets you edit the ChangeLog may not work great if you use a non- command-line text editor. I think if you set the EDITOR enviornment variable to "open -t -W", it may do what you want - the ChangeLog will be opened in Xcode and the webkit-patch script will wait until you quit.

It also doesn't modify an existing ChangeLog entry if you already made one.

2. Once the patch has been reviewed, say, "Add bug # and reviewer information from Bugzilla, commit, and close the bug." (Bonus points if the commit happens via the bugzilla patch, so I can move on to working on another patch.)

This one is easy:

A) webkit-patch land
(if the patch is already in your tree)

B) webkit-patch land-from-bug BUGID
(to pull it from bugzilla)

It will fill in the reviewer in the ChangeLog, commit the patch, and mark the bugzilla bug closed.


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