On Sep 28, 2010, at 12:20 PM, Yasuo Kida wrote:

> On 2010/09/28, at 10:11, David Hyatt wrote:
>> On Sep 27, 2010, at 3:40 PM, Eric Mader wrote:
>>> Are you saying that subclassing computeLogicalWidth() would still mean that 
>>> I'm computing the margins at the initial calculation time?
>> You'd be computing them whenever the ruby run's layout changed.  The problem 
>> with that is if you're setting margins based off surrounding content, you're 
>> not going to get a layout just because your surroundings changed.
> Probably a novice question but are there mechanisms or ways to trigger 
> re-computing of the ruby's layout when the surrounding text has changed?

In this case, you really don't need to re-layout the RenderRubyRun itself.  You 
just need to possibly change its margins.  I think hooking into 
findNextLineBreak is the easiest way to do this, since you can see your 
surroundings and figure out what it is you'd be overlapping and how much room 
you have on the line.


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