On 11.03.12 00:08, Alp Toker wrote:
The way I see it, a better mirror would address:
*Author Names

*The committer names don't have the full author name in the git mirror
right now, just an SVN id. This info could be extracted out of a
database or the ChangeLog message if one exists, during import. People
switch companies and email addresses over time, so that would have to be
accounted for.

The mirrors at http://gitorious.org/webkit/webkit and https://github.com/webkit/webkit (same repo), use an author-script during the import to resolve author names based on the committers list. The script could be more intelligent and pick up author names from "Patch by" in the commit message or the changelog itself.

*Layout and repo size
The git repository with full history is enormous.

A proposal (or even better, proof of concept) for git repository layout
where the 'heavy' generated paths are split out into git submodules
separate from the source code would make me feel more comfortable with
the whole idea. Also, should be possible to do a shallow clone of these
yet still be able to commit and push back upstream (if git supports
this, git experts?)

I've done some prototyping on how to do a smaller mirror, using git submodules or tools such as git-annex or git-media. So far the issue is that if you want to commit to SVN using git-svn none of these techniques can be used, which makes the smaller mirror less useful.

There was a thread on the git mailing list that mentioned the possibly of writing a git-fast-import/export backend to solve this, ie to lazily populate the layout-test results, but I haven't had time to look into that further.

So the conclusion so far is that it's not feasible to keep an incremental SVN-mirror that does on-the-fly pruning of layout-test results (into submodules or similar) while still being usable with git-svn. Ideas welcome!

tor arne
webkit-dev mailing list

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