
The Apple owned style queue and feeder queue bots are still broken.

I started a style queue and a feeder queue bot on one of our machine
until fixing the issues caused by the downtime. Now there isn't any
pending task in the style queue and patches are automatically submitted
to EWS, you don't have to push "submit to EWS" button manually.

Unfortunately the broken webkit-misc-style sometimes tries to pick up
a patch from the queue and holds their lock forever. :-/ In this
case I have to remove the patch from the queue, submit it to the
queue again and trust if my style bot is faster then the broken one.

Is it possible to shut down the webkit-misc-style but until proper fix?


On 03/13/2014 09:56 AM, Osztrogonác Csaba wrote:
There are still issues after downtime:

- Apple EWS bots are still broken (Last Pass: 1 day, 16 hours ago)
- login on build.webkit.org is broken:
"The username or password you entered were not correct. Please go back
and try again."

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