Does the separate exceptionStackTraceLimit mean that if a developer gets a 
truncated stack trace in the Web Inspector, there’s no way for the developer to 
remedy that? Is that what other browsers’ developer tools do?


> On Mar 28, 2017, at 4:09 PM, Mark Lam <> wrote:
> To follow up, I’ve implemented the change in r214289: <http://trac.webkit 
> <http://trac.webkit/>.org/r214289>.  Error.stackTraceLimit is now 100.  I 
> also implemented a separate exceptionStackTraceLimit for stack traces 
> captured at the time of throwing a value (not to be confused with Error.stack 
> which is captured at the time of instantiation of the Error object).  
> exceptionStackTraceLimit is also limited to 100 by default.
> Mark
>> On Mar 17, 2017, at 1:04 PM, Mark Lam < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> @Geoff, my testing shows that we can do 200 frames and still perform well 
>> (~1 second to console.log Error.stack).  Base on what we at present, I think 
>> 100 is a good round number to use as our default stackTraceLimit.
>>> On Mar 17, 2017, at 11:40 AM, Maciej Stachowiak < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> On Mar 17, 2017, at 11:09 AM, Mark Lam < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the reminder to back observations up with data.  I was 
>>>> previously running some tests that throws StackOverflowErrors a lot (which 
>>>> tainted my perspective), and I made a hasty conclusion which isn’t good.  
>>>> Anyway, here’s the data using an instrumented VM to take some measurements 
>>>> and a simple test program that recurses forever to throw a 
>>>> StackOverflowError (run on a MacPro):
>>>> 1. For a release build of jsc shell:
>>>>     Time to capture exception stack = 0.002807 sec
>>>>     Number of stack frames captured = 31722
>>>>     sizeof StackFrame = 24
>>>>     total memory consumed = ~761328 bytes.
>>>> 2. For a debug build of jsc shell:
>>>>     Time to capture exception stack = 0.052107 sec
>>>>     Number of stack frames captured = 31688
>>>>     sizeof StackFrame = 24
>>>>     total memory consumed = ~760512 bytes.
>>>> So, regarding performance, I was wrong.  The amount of time taken to 
>>>> capture the entire JS stack each time is insignificant.
>>>> Regarding memory usage, ~760K is not so good, but maybe it’s acceptable.
>>>> Comparing browsers with their respective inspectors open:
>>>> 1. Chrome
>>>>     number of frames captured: 10
>>>>     length of e.stack string: 824 chars
>>>>     time to console.log e.stack: 0.27 seconds
>>>> 2. Firefox
>>>>     number of frames captured: 129
>>>>     length of e.stack string: 8831 chars
>>>>     time to console.log e.stack: 0.93 seconds
>>>> 3. Safari
>>>>     number of frames captured: 31722
>>>>     length of e.stack string: 218821 chars
>>>>     time to console.log e.stack: 50.8 seconds
>>>> 4. Safari (with error.stack shrunk to 201 frames at time of capture to 
>>>> simulate my proposal)
>>>>     number of frames captured: 201
>>>>     length of e.stack string: 13868 chars
>>>>     time to console.log e.stack: 1 second
>>>> With my proposal, the experience of printing Error.stack drops from 50.8 
>>>> seconds to about 1 second.  The memory used for capturing the stack also 
>>>> drops from ~760K to 5K.
>>>> I wasn’t aware of the Error.stackTraceLimit, but that does sound like a 
>>>> better solution than my proposal since it gives developers the ability to 
>>>> capture more stack frames if they need it.  Chrome’s default 
>>>> Error.stackTraceLimit appears to be 10.  MS appears to support it as well 
>>>> and defaults to 10 
>>>> (
>>>> <>).
>>>>   Firefox does now.
>>> Out of curiosity: Why does Firefox capture 129 frames instead of 31722 in 
>>> this case? Do they have a hardcoded limit?
>> Actually, my previous frame counts are a bit off.  I was using 
>> e.stack.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).length as the frame count.  Below, I just copy 
>> the console.log dump into an editor and take the line count from there as 
>> the frame count instead.  The result of that string.split appears to be a 
>> bit off from the actual frames printed by console.log. 
>> I also modified my recursing test function to console.log the re-entry count 
>> on entry and this is what I saw:
>> 1. Chrome
>>     test reported reentry count = 10150
>>     ....split(…).length = 11 (because Chromes starts e.stack with a line 
>> "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded”)
>>     e.stack lines according to editor = 10 frames
>> 2. Firefox
>>     test reported reentry count = 222044
>>     ....split(…).length = 129 (probably because there’s an extra newline in 
>> there somewhere)
>>     e.stack lines according to editor = 128 frames
>> 3. Safari
>>     test reported reentry count = 31701
>>     ....split(…).length = 31722 (I don’t know why there’s a 21 frame 
>> discrepancy here.  I’ll debug this later)
>>     e.stack lines according to editor = ??? frames (WebInspector hangs every 
>> time I try to scroll in it, let alone let me highlight and copy the stack 
>> trace.  So I gave up)
>> Assuming the test function frame is not significantly different in size for 
>> all browsers, it looks like:
>> 1. Chrome uses a much smaller stack (about 1/3 of our stack).
>> 2. Firefox uses a much larger stack (possibly the full machine stack), but 
>> caps its Error.stack to just 128 frames (possibly a hardcoded limit).
>> Mark
>>>  - Maciej
>>>> Does anyone object to us adopting Error.stackTraceLimit and setting the 
>>>> default to 10 to match Chrome?
>>>> Mark
>>>>> On Mar 16, 2017, at 11:29 PM, Geoffrey Garen < 
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Can you be more specific about the motivation here?
>>>>> Do we have any motivating examples that will tell us wether time+memory 
>>>>> were unacceptable before this change, or are acceptable after this change?
>>>>> In our motivating examples, does Safari use more time+memory than other 
>>>>> browsers? If so, how large of a stack do other browsers capture?
>>>>> We already limit the size of the JavaScript stack to avoid performance 
>>>>> problems like the ones you mention in many other contexts. Why is that 
>>>>> limit not sufficient?
>>>>> Did you consider implementing Chrome’s Error.stackTraceLimit behavior?
>>>>> Geoff
>>>>>> On Mar 16, 2017, at 10:09 PM, Mark Lam < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi folks,
>>>>>> Currently, if we have an exception stack that is incredibly deep 
>>>>>> (especially for a StackOverflowError), JSC may end up thrashing memory 
>>>>>> just to capture the large stack trace in memory.    This is bad for many 
>>>>>> reasons:
>>>>>> 1. the captured stack will take a lot of memory.
>>>>>> 2. capturing the stack may take a long time (due to memory thrashing) 
>>>>>> and makes for a bad user experience.
>>>>>> 3. if memory availability is low, capturing such a large stack may 
>>>>>> result in an OutOfMemoryError being thrown in its place.
>>>>>>   The OutOfMemoryError thrown there will also have the same problem with 
>>>>>> capturing such a large stack.
>>>>>> 4. most of the time, no one will look at the captured Error.stack anyway.
>>>>>> Since there isn’t a standard on what we really need to capture for 
>>>>>> Error.stack, I propose that we limit how much stack we capture to a 
>>>>>> practical size.  How about an Error.stack that consists of (1) the top N 
>>>>>> frames, (2) an ellipses, and (3) the bottom M frames?  If the number of 
>>>>>> frames on the stack at the time of capture  is less or equal to than N + 
>>>>>> M frames, then Error.stack will just show the whole stack with no 
>>>>>> ellipses.  For example, if N is 4 and M is 2, the captured stack will 
>>>>>> look something like this:
>>>>>>     foo10001
>>>>>>     foo10000
>>>>>>     foo9999
>>>>>>     foo9998
>>>>>>     …
>>>>>>     foo1
>>>>>>     foo0
>>>>>> If we pick a sufficient large number for N and M (I suggest 100 each), I 
>>>>>> think this should provide sufficient context for debugging uses of 
>>>>>> Error.stack, while keeping an upper bound on how much memory and time we 
>>>>>> throw at capturing the exception stack.
>>>>>> My plan for implementing this is:
>>>>>> 1. change Exception::finishCreation() to only capture the N and M 
>>>>>> frames, plus possibly 1 ellipses placeholder in the between them.
>>>>>> 2. change all clients of Exception::stack() to be able to recognize and 
>>>>>> render the ellipses.
>>>>>> Does anyone object to doing this or have a compelling reason why this 
>>>>>> should not be done?
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Mark
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