On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 11:20 PM, Daniel Bates <dba...@webkit.org> wrote:
How does the speed gain with your proposed "unified source" approach compare to using CMake + Ninja to build currently (I think builder Apple El Capitan CMake Debug does this)?

I don't have any hard numbers, but anecdotal: the speedup from using Ninja instead of Make is insignificant for clean builds. Ninja helps a lot with incremental builds where you've only touched a couple files, because you don't need to wait ages for make to calculate dependencies. But Keith's project is to improve clean builds.

On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 11:20 PM, Daniel Bates <dba...@webkit.org> wrote:
How does this work if you build from Xcode? I am assuming these bundles won't interfere with debugging in Xcode. When debugging in Xcode/lldb/gdb will Xcode/lldb/gdb resolve line information with respect to individual files or the bundles?

The line numbers and filenames will be total nonsense if we just concatenate multiple source files together. But that's very easy to fix if the script that concatenates the sources also adds a #line statement between "files" to change the filename and reset the line number to 1. See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/cpp/Line-Control.html (I suspect it will work just fine for Clang as well).


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