11.04.2019, 17:03, "Xan" <xan.lo...@gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> as part of our work on improving 32bit support in JSC we at Igalia are 
> planning to have a look at enabling concurrent js for these platforms. Before 
> we dive in, though, we thought it would be better to ask some preliminary 
> questions:
> - Was this feature only implemented for 64bit because that was the focus of 
> the implementors moving forward? Or is there any fundamental difficulty in 
> the current architecture? In particular we have seen some comments about 
> atomic updates of JSValues that suggest it could be hard (or impossible) to 
> get this done on 32bit with the current approach.
> - Assuming this is doable right now, we'll get on with it. Assuming it's not: 
> would you be open to making the necessary changes to JSC to make concurrent 
> js an option on 32bits?

This feature would be very much appreciated, there are lots of multicore 
embedded Linux systems which have to use 32-bit userspace

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