Can you clarify what question you’re looking to have answered? Are you asking 
for a new standards position in light of the replies below?

 - Maciej

> On Sep 18, 2020, at 7:35 AM, David Bokan <> wrote:
> Friendly ping to get an answer here.
> Do my answers above address those points or is there anything else I can 
> clarify?
> Thanks,
> David
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 1:42 PM David Bokan < 
> <>> wrote:
> [sending (again, sorry) from correct e-mail]
> I think Nick's replies 
> <> 
> mostly still apply, some updated answers to those questions.
> (1) We’re concerned about compatibility issues in a world where some browsers 
> support this but not all. Aware browsers will strip `:~:`, but unaware 
> browsers won’t. I saw that on the blink-dev ItS thread, it was mentioned that 
> at least one site ( <>) totally breaks if any 
> fragment ID is exposed to the page. This makes it difficult to create a link 
> that uses this feature but which is safe in all browsers:
> - Since there is no feature detection mechanism, it’s hard for a webpage to 
> know whether it should issue such a link. It would have to be based on UA 
> string checks, which is regrettable.
> - A link meant for a supporting browser can end up in a non-supporting 
> browser, at the very least by copy paste from the URL field, and perhaps 
> through other features to share a link.
> We do have a feature detection 
> <>
>  mechanism for this.
> On the latter point, this is true but we think implementing fragment 
> directive stripping (removing the part after and including `:~:`) is trivial 
> even if the UA doesn't wish to implement the text-fragment feature. FWIW, we 
> haven't seen or heard of another such example since.
> (2) The portions of this Community Group report that monkey patch other 
> standards (HTML, URL and CSSOM View I think?) should be turned into PRs 
> against those specifications. Monkeypatching other specs is not a good way to 
> build specifications for the long term.
> We still need support from another vendor to start merging the monkey patches 
> into the real standards - if Apple's supportive I'd be happy to start on that 
> immediately.
> (3) Text fragment trumping a regular fragment ID seems a bit strange. The 
> more natural semantic would be that the text search starts at the fragment, 
> so if there are multiple matches it’s possible to scroll to a more specific 
> one. It’s not clear why the fragment is instead entirely ignored.
> This was discussed in more detail in issue#75 
> <>; I agree with 
> Nick's point that the disambiguation syntax is already specific enough that 
> starting from a fragment isn't necessary. This also keeps us 
> mostly-compatible with the TextQuoteSelector 
> <> specified in 
> WebAnnotations which I think may have benefits for interaction with 
> annotation applications.
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 1:31 PM David Bokan < 
> <>> wrote:
> I think Nick's replies 
> <> 
> mostly still apply, some updated answers to those questions.
> (1) We’re concerned about compatibility issues in a world where some browsers 
> support this but not all. Aware browsers will strip `:~:`, but unaware 
> browsers won’t. I saw that on the blink-dev ItS thread, it was mentioned that 
> at least one site ( <>) totally breaks if any 
> fragment ID is exposed to the page. This makes it difficult to create a link 
> that uses this feature but which is safe in all browsers:
> - Since there is no feature detection mechanism, it’s hard for a webpage to 
> know whether it should issue such a link. It would have to be based on UA 
> string checks, which is regrettable.
> - A link meant for a supporting browser can end up in a non-supporting 
> browser, at the very least by copy paste from the URL field, and perhaps 
> through other features to share a link.
> We do have a feature detection 
> <>
>  mechanism for this.
> On the latter point, this is true but we think implementing fragment 
> directive stripping (removing the part after and including `:~:`) is trivial 
> even if the UA doesn't wish to implement the text-fragment feature. FWIW, we 
> haven't seen or heard of another such example since.
> (2) The portions of this Community Group report that monkey patch other 
> standards (HTML, URL and CSSOM View I think?) should be turned into PRs 
> against those specifications. Monkeypatching other specs is not a good way to 
> build specifications for the long term.
> We still need support from another vendor to start merging the monkey patches 
> into the real standards - if Apple's supportive I'd be happy to start on that 
> immediately.
> (3) Text fragment trumping a regular fragment ID seems a bit strange. The 
> more natural semantic would be that the text search starts at the fragment, 
> so if there are multiple matches it’s possible to scroll to a more specific 
> one. It’s not clear why the fragment is instead entirely ignored.
> This was discussed in more detail in issue#75 
> <>; I agree with 
> Nick's point that the disambiguation syntax is already specific enough that 
> starting from a fragment isn't necessary. This also keeps us 
> mostly-compatible with the TextQuoteSelector 
> <> specified in 
> WebAnnotations which I think may have benefits for interaction with 
> annotation applications.
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 12:42 PM Darin Adler < 
> <>> wrote:
>> On Aug 31, 2020, at 9:33 AM, David Bokan < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> We've made lots of improvements to the spec, notably around issues raised in 
>> Mozilla's standards-position 
>> <>.
> Do you think those improvements address Maciej’s concerns from last December? 
> Since you didn’t say that explicitly I was wondering what your take on that 
> was.
> — Darin

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