Hi WebKittens,

A team of us in Chromium are thinking about a new linking primitive that
would allow links to point to multiple URLs. To give an idea: sharing a
link with a friend that, when clicked, opens a tab group with X pages
(where X > 1).

It's still early stages (so not looking for a standards-position), there's
some ideas for how this might work but nothing's firm yet. I've put up an
explainer <https://github.com/bokand/page-collection/> with our current

Given that this affects linking, interop between browsers is top of mind so
I'm reaching out early; is this an area someone in WebKit cares about? Does
WebKit think these use cases are worth addressing? WDYT about some of the

If someone in WebKit is interested we'd love to work together but would
also appreciate any kind of informal feedback (here or as issues on the
explainer are both fine).

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