On Jun 29, 2006, at 6:16 AM, Gilles MATHURIN wrote:

Hi, everyone

I am working on a project of a little music label website driven by a database. I must add that i am new to WO and generally speaking to dynamic website conception. I have done only static website still and add a little base in OO programming and Java.

So i have worked on it for about 3 weeks, and while i have made a pretty good EOModel, experiment it with D2W and the WOComponent thanx to the Apple tutorial and all of the great stuff i have found on the web (special thanxs to david.codeferous.com, http:// homepage.mac.com/kelleherk/iblog/ , and the WO wiki !!) i succeed in manipulate the "textual" information, and the pictures stored in my database, but i'm very frustrating with the audio file. I manage to upload them in the database but they won't display and play in the website, i only got the Quicktime Icon on Safari. Meanwhile the same code let me hear the sound on Camino.

Anyone can give me some clue to deal with that ?

It sounds like the content-type header you are sending is not correct for the audio files or that the files are not recognized by the browser. Do the file names all end in .mp3 or something else? What is the code you are using to download the audio files?


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