I agree with Johan, but I think we should create a website that is a collection of simple / elegant / graceful mini projects. It would be cool to make each page have a download the source link with the complete code for the mini project.

My suggested technical requirements:

(1) Fast
(2) WebObjects - eat our own dog food from the beginning
(3) up to date - lets use some common modern technologies - XHTML & CSS, AJAX, RSS (4) Simple Code - show the community how powerful WebObjects really is, and how easy it is to develop ;)

This is very exciting and thank you Pascal for the sketch, we should start with that as our inspiration.


On Aug 22, 2006, at 7:52 AM, Johan Henselmans wrote:

I am a bit surprised about all this discussion of using non- WebObjects solutions for a WebObjects site. As far as I know there is

-a WebObjects wiki (http://wodev.spearway.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/ WODev.)
-a Webobjects CMS (http://sourceforge.net/projects/gvcsitemaker/)
-a Webobjects BugTracker (See Example Applications in Wonder in http://sourceforge.net/projects/wonder)

three opensource attempts at replicating WebObjects functionality and API's:

-GSWEB (http://www.gnustepweb.org/)
-SOPE/JOPE (http://sope.opengroupware.org/)
-WOTONOMY (http://sourceforge.net/projects/wotonomy)

a site that collects WO code snippets  (http://www.wocode.com)

some site that propagate using WebObjects

with movies of how to use webobjects:

and books
(See some of the sites for links)

So it seems that all the elements that are needed for making a nice WebObjects presence, make it as open source as possible and organize a proper foundation are already in place. It is all a bit scattered, and I think that it would be better to focus on getting these things nicely organized, and working properly and make sure that they are kept up to date.

What I miss:
-proper examples (no more 'the rest of the implementation is simple and is left as an exercise to the reader').

-a real nice and complete implementation of all the possible ways one can use web objects: HTML, WebServices, AJAX, JavaClient, DirectToWeb, DirectToJava, with forms, mailings, print reports etc, preferably for one problem-space. The thinkmovies example of Apple seems a bit too far off from the common work-environment for that purpose. I think of something the northwind database that came as an example with MS-Access (is it still?), or the Filemaker templates, that are mostly sufficient for most of the information needs for small organisations, and can be used right away. Of course, it would be expandable in an easy way with examples of how to expand it (localizations, custom components etc). Preferably the example would link up to most of the popular databases (mysql, postgresql, openbase, frontbase, filemaker, oracle, ms-sqlserver, db2, etc). This example (or examples) should be the reason that people start using WebObjects. A re-implementation of some opensource solution developed in PHP, J2EE or .NET to prove the efficiency of WebObjects compared to these development tools would also be nice (the open source J2EE ERP solution www.compiere.org comes to mind). For developers/ICT people some kind of asset-bug-project- time-support-tracking-software selling system would be nice, and would spread the reputation of WebObjects among the group that would be capable of steering investment-decisions in the WebObjects direction.

Johan Henselmans

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