
Take some slow deep breaths before your head explodes. Here's the beauty of an open source project for you: you don't have to use it. If you think it isn't meeting your needs, run along and pay for something that will. If wonder dies, it dies, but right now a lot of people see it as very useful and beneficial, even if you don't. And if you don't, that's totally fine. If you don't see it as beneficial, don't use it. It's hard to feel ripped off if a volunteer open-source community creates something that you don't like, and you shouldn't get super angry if they don't take the project (or, especially, some small aspect of the project) in the direction you want it to go in.


On Jul 5, 2007, at 5:07 PM, Galen Rhodes wrote:

On Jul 5, 2007, at 4:36 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

<* SNIP *>

I doubt that very much. The development to date has been developers building what _they_ personally need to get their job done. Most of what is in Entity Modeler and WOComponent Editor are things that Mike need to do his job more efficiently. He, and mDimension, were kind enough to donate the results. As long as we WO developers have unmet needs, development will continue. It may happen in fits and bursts as our needs dictate, but it will happen. It will only "stagnate" if all of our needs are met (or if those with needs are too damn lazy to do anything about them). And in that case, it will be more of "stable" than "stagnant".

<* SNIP *>

Or make their work on projects that make money more efficient. Don't forget that. Money does not need to be made directly. And this is the primary reason, IMHO, why WOComponent Editor is not WYSIWYG. A developer set out to make something that would be very efficient to use while requiring less effort than it would save. I think that Mike has succeeded admirably in this. While it is not flashy, it is far more productive for me than WOBuilder ever was and I am FAR happier using it than I was using WOBuilder. Too many people seem to be more concerned with which font is used or IDE layout, or cute drag and drop tricks than they are with actual, real life productivity. OK, enough of that rant...

Your two statements really made my point for me. Your needs are not the same as someone else's needs. This is probably the #1 problem with the OpenSource community is that they develop software for themselves and not others. They develop software to meet their needs and not anyone else's needs. Which I think is probably why they never make any money off of their labors.

And I personally LOVE your extremely insulting line of "or if those with needs are too damn lazy to do anything about them." Wow! I mean "WOW!" Arrogance is always my favorite sin! Remember the old saying, "Pride goeth before the fall?"

So what you're saying is that I'm a lazy bastard if I don't have time to develop the tools myself? WOW! That attitude is exactly what is going to kill WO off for good. I've said it before, you develop a WYSIWYG replacement for WOBuilder and EOModeler I'll pay upwards of $500 for them. That's not a small amount of money! But you know what? I'll save three times that much in a year over having to use the current WOLips tools!

You may not desire WYSIWYG because it slows _YOU_ down. But there may be others that truly feel that WYSIWYG enhances _THEIR_ productivity. And your refusal to accept that is EXACTLY what is wrong with OpenSource projects. The developers adopt a very arrogant view that "what's good for them is good for everyone."

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