HI all

I am interested in using the WebObjects tools on Leopard.

We are in the same position as Thomas, 10 years of WebObjects development, with many projects. We reuse our frameworks heavily, so we are not writing a lot of new code each day. Mostly, day to day work involves WebObjects builder, a lot of which is drag bindings.

We use many reusable sub-components, with CSS and also D2W and Wonder (for some). I am not talking WYSIWYG editing, just GUI editing, eg. we don't care about preview.

What makes people think that WO Builder stops developers using CSS?!?!
I find it confusing to hear people complain that Eclipse is the only way to follow best practice, that Xcode is not valid. So are they saying that they were not following best practice when they used Xcode?

As a WebObjects developer since 1997 I find it very insulting for some people to imply that because I prefer Xcode I am a hack or hobbyist. I am actually too busy working on WebObjects related projects to spare the time to learn a new IDE and all its bugs and idiosyncrasies. And there are many.

In fact, I believe that most WebObjects developers have only moved to Eclipse because they were forced to. If Apple had stuck to its promise of taking Java seriously (eg. refactoring in Xcode) we would not be talking about Eclipse now. And, if Apple had put some of the time they are spending now on bug fixes (thank you!) to the tools a few of years ago, then there would be no IDE argument at all.

Eclipse may be a productive java IDE for some, but it is not worth the change for us right now.
For us it is "Better the Devil you Know". I know these bugs.

It seems pretty crazy to me that I can't update my Apple operating system because I need to maintain backward compatibility with Apple's own software (and not some third-party's). And even worse, that we can only buy Apple servers with a new operating system which breaks existing WebObjects deployments...

I am sure there are others on the list who are of the same opinion.

thanks for listening


Michelle Parker
Web Objectives Pty Ltd
33 Ridge St
Gordon, NSW , 2072
Phone: (02) 9499 3166
Fax: (02) 9499 3166
Mobile : 0412 064 123

On 24/02/2008, at 8:10 AM, Pascal Robert wrote:

I agree on some of your points, but not on others. It's true that WOLips is not a RAD environment like WO Builder/Xcode was. Most people who complain about WOLips are either part-time programmers or people who were using WO to build quick prototypes. BUT I see WOLips as a best pratices enforcer: it's better to have packages, you should use sub-components, you should use CSS, etc.

For people who use tables and never use sub-components, it's true it was easier with WO Builder. But if you are using sub- components, CSS, etc., WOLips is WAY WAY WAY better. And WOLips Java editor is, again, WAY ahead of Xcode's Java support. We packaged ~40 projects (who were using the default package) in less than... 2 hours. It's quite easy: you refactor the first project, install it with ant, and on the projects who use the first project, you do Command-Shift-O on the Sources folder, and voilĂ , you let WOLips/Eclipse magic going on for 2 minutes.

We migrated 78 projects to WOLips, and so far the only things that I really miss are: preview of the pages (it's especially useful for our old projects with generic names for the bindings and with lot of tables in the same component), the ability of adding variables and methods from the WO Component editor and drag&drop of bindings.


I object to your condescending tone.

I have been using Eclipse exclusively as my WebObjects development environment ever since Apple's announcement that it was dropping the dev tools. While I am willing to accept that Eclipse may be a fine JAVA development environment for PROGRAMMERS, nothing in my experience with eclipse has convinced me that it will EVER be a more productive WEBOBJECTS development environment for me or my clients.

I have been developing software for more than 30 years, but I don't ever want to be a programmer. I have ten years worth of WebObjects libraries and modules to call on in my work, mostly developed by me, so programming is not something I have to do a lot of. The simplicity and elegance of the Apple tools allowed me to focus exclusively on the customer goals without getting bogged down in programming. My main development tool used to be WO Builder. I have given Eclipse a very solid trial, and I still believe that XCode would be a more productive environment, in terms of functionality delivered to the customer, if the dev tools worked.


On 23/02/2008, at 8:15 PM, Clark Mueller wrote:

Seriously, give it up... try Eclipse for more then ten minutes at a sitting, and you will learn to love the productivity boost it offers. The old tools WILL actually permanently stop working one day.


On 23 Feb 08, at 1:47 AM, Thomas wrote:


I'm interested, but I'm wondering about a few things:

- XHTML 4.0 standard html?

- WO 5.4 inline tags like <wo:string value="[whatever]"/>

- html/api-only (no wod) components?

- those bugs I used to swear at all the time, but mercifully seem to have forgotten... like pasting a tag from one component into another page, and all the quoted attributes disappear, like

whatever: WOKeyValueConditional {
key = "session.something";
value = "some text";
negate = true;


whatever: WOKeyValueConditional {
negate = true;

I seem to swear as much at Eclipse as I used to swear at WO Builder, but I'd be very wary of going back to XCode now that I have become more-or-less productive with Eclipse...


On 23/02/2008, at 6:19 PM, David Elliott wrote:

Well, I finally did it.

If anyone is interested, both EOModeler and WebObjects Builder from the Xcode 2.5 release can be made to work in conjunction with Xcode 3 on Leopard. This includes the ability of WebObjects Builder to talk with Xcode 3 so it can display the variables from associated Java source files.

I also determined that Apple built WOJavaPBXHelper.pbplugin to support GC mode so with a small Info.plist hack you can let Xcode know it's okay to load it which allows you to use the web assistant as well as click on links in backtraces.

So far I have encountered only one bug. In WebObjects Builder closing the last open component for a given project will result in Xcode choking and WB hanging waiting for a reply when you go to open another component from the same project. An easy workaround is to always leave at least one component open. If you accidently close all of them, quitting WB before opening a new component will fix the problem.

Anyway, I'm trying to gauge if there's any interest in this and whether it's even worth my time to release it. So reply and let me know if you're interested.


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