Yes, please do send it. I'll see if I can brake your hard work too! :-)

I saw your previous email about the True WAR and it was on my list of things to integrate into my project. I'm currently building a WAR, but Tomcat must expand it to use it. It would be nice if it were just simply the WAR and not a directory of _thousands_ of files, some with path names that are too long for Windows to delete....


On Apr 24, 2008, at 11:51 AM, Tom Pelaia wrote:


Yes, I have gotten inline bindings to work fine with True WAR deployment to JBoss. I have a "Hello World" type example that works and can send it to you if you want it. I just started with a WebObjects sample project, applied the patch that I mentioned in a previous email today, switched to using inline bindings, built with Ant and the WAR file deploys to JBoss fine.

The example is very simple, but it does use an inline binding.


I'm having problems getting Inline Bindings to work with a Servlet deployment (to Tomcat).

I've double- and triple-checked the classpaths and .jars and everything is where and as it is supposed to be, but the inline bindings just don't work once deployed to a Servlet. They work fine when run out of Eclipse.

Using Wonder in a Servlet has a work-around in the first place. Is it possible that this is another example of a piece of Wonder not getting properly initialized during the Servlet startup?

Has _anyone_ out there gotten inline bindings to work with a servlet deployment? Just a quick "yes" will tell me I've got more digging to do. If no one has, then I guess I'm going to have to dig more.... or use normal bindings (yuck!).

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